Oct 30, 2012

The tale of the best part of a chicken.

Once upon a time, (imagine my house, during raya, with few dishes of golek ayam and golek itik) there was this young lady eating with her family members (uncles, aunties, cousins, friends and.... cats). She was aiming for the chicken drumstick, which for her was the best part of the chicken. Little did she know everyone else were eyeing on the other part. The what part? The end part. Which end? That end! What the hell? It's the cenonot. Cenonot? It sounds funny. No? It's the bishop's nose. Wait, don't go all religious on me. OK, OK, it's PUNGKOQ AYAM.

The end.

Aug 14, 2012

Die skinny

I would make a pretty trendy IT girl if I were to be skinnier and richer.
Just saying.

Aug 13, 2012

Proud to say...

I've freaking moved on.

Rock bottom


To hit rock bottom: When someone hits rock bottom, they reach a point in life where things could not get any worse.


Well, perhaps you always fail because you never really want to succeed. Don't you think so?


Well, I'm not trying to say that I'm ungrateful but everything seems to be going the other way round for me. People around me are leading a happy-easy-life. Don't get me wrong, I know, they do have problems of their own but they still have time for themselves. 

Jul 20, 2012

Marriage supersedes Friendship

When I finally logged into this blog, I swear I heard crickets chirping to "Baby One More Time" by Britney but only the "my loneliness is killing me" part.

Now, back to the post. I think the title is self-explanatory. 

If you are in your mid 20s, or worse, late 20s, you'll understand. Majority of your friends are either getting hitched, engaged or married. I call this year of 2012, the Wedding Year and what leads after wedding? BABIESSSSSSS. So brace yourselves, next year will be a babyboom. 

Some said that I was jealous. Well, actually I'm not. 

It's just that I'm disheartened.

Some of my friends, whom I was sooooo close with barely text me. I tried few times, tried to arrange for a meet up, but then they just go silent.

Few months later, a few days before the D-Day, came the invitation.

Another incident was, a friend checked-in somewhere nearby all the way from my hometown, with her so called fiance. Gulp.

Now I know where I stand.

Mar 21, 2012


I started my pupillage last February. I'm  happy now with the new firm. My Master is beyond the word nice. He's an angel. He wanted to be a lecturer, he was a lecturer in fact. I guess that's why he is more into teaching us rather than using us as cheap labors. I'm grateful and bless. Thanks Lord.