Aug 8, 2018

2018 huh?

So, I just bought a new laptop. Like, Finally. The last laptop I owned died on my during my first semester of LLB. Nasib baik Meck bagi pinjam laptop dia. 

Then, kerja kat firm, ada PC, kerja kat MH & Altel depa bagi laptop. 

Now, let's talk about where I am now.

Since my last post, I was still working with MH. I've since moved to Brunei working with RBA.

What a long journey huh? Tak pernah sangka aku akan mai kerja sini.

I have so many things to share. Prolly I should start blogging again since aku ada banyak masa kan?

I wanna write more about my life is so that I can look back and remember. Sebab aku ni pelupa. I can't remember what happened last January. LOL.