Sep 21, 2011

66th post

I dedicate my 66th post to my friend, or can I call her my bestfriend?, Noor Amalina Mohd Daud (Meck).
You see, I only got to know Meck up close and personal in 2010 back then when we were grouped into the same class. She was a senior partner of one of the firms in our class. sebelum ni aku kenai sbb aku pinjam, actually sewa dvd dia, tp aku tak bayaq pon!

We didn't really click instantly for as far as I can remember, there were few issues between us, not to mention Shazlina as my partner in crime. Hehe. Nontheless, towards the end of our first semester, we got closer and I share things with her, which I don't usually do with others.

In a year time, throughout LLB that is, Meck had been my friend, the one that listened, advised, punched, kicked, fought and the list of terrible things that she did to me goes on.

One of the most significant thing that she did was assisting me and coaching me with my studies. She shared notes and assignments with me and explained the subjects until I understand.

dah seminggu aku tinggal post ni dlm draft aku nk tulis dalam bahasa plak.

Makanya Meck ni seorang sahabat yang baik. Aku segan nak mengaku dia bestfriend aku sebab erk, baru ja kawan kot, tapi setelah setahun yang pack berlalu dan segala onak duri dan lautan api telah diredah bersama, aku harap hang akan terus menjadi kawan aku.

Hang selalu bagi semangat kat aku bila aku down dan emo dengan bg reply yg oh sangat random *apa weh dlm bahasa*.

Dengan itu, aku nk wish kat hang selamat ulangtahun kelahiran yang ke 24, eh, 17. Weh gila tua hang ni!!! Dulu time skolah umoq 24 ni bajet dah kawen tau! Anyhow, aku memandang kehadapan (look forward) untuk jumpa hang bila amek jubah nnt ok?


  1. ahahahaahhahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahh

  2. hahahahahahaah

    eh apa jadi dgn bubaran? sedap kot nama tu

  3. Sbb dulu xdak boleh view komen mcm ni, takble keep track sapa komen. Hehe. Bubaran cam malu ja.
