Jun 30, 2011


Cuban Tree Frog.

Jun 29, 2011

Cuba untuk tidak EMO

Hai, I think I should stop crapping and just focus on fun stuffs. Hence, I try to avoid posting ramblings about bad stuffs like ___ and ___. Hehe.

Jun 10, 2011



* Suka berlawak.
* Mudah tertawan padanya.
* Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Berani dan tidak tahu takut.
* Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan.
* Pandai memujuk orang lain.
* Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego.
* Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi.
* Dahagakan pujian.
* Semangat juang yang luar biasa.
* Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk.
* Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan.
* Sangat cemburu.
* Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti.
* Cepat berfikir.
* Fikiran yang berdikari.
* Suka memimpin & dipimpin.
* Sifat suka berangan.
* Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat.
* Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk.
* Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit.
* Belajar untuk bertenang.
* Sikap kelam kabut.
* Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang.
* Suka mencari kawan


Jun 9, 2011

Another Success?

Remember this? HEHE.

So I was so excited the other day because my mom was on leave. To celebrate that, I decided to make Oreo Cheesecake although I know Mom wouldn't even take a scoop of it. At first I was a bit unsure whether it will come out OK or not cause believe me, cheese, oreo, gelatin, and the list goes on were all over the place. After putting everything together, I put them in the fridge and pray. ahaha

After 2 hours, I checked the cake and it was soggy. Urgh. I felt so embarrass (I don't know why). I decided not to think about it and went out with Jasmine, Bab and Nad for a movie (The Diary of A Wimpy Kid 2). It was a good show although Shazlina said that she wouldn't want to like the movie because of someone we know (or knew) hahaha.

We got back home around 2 a.m. and Jasmine straight away went to bed (without brushing her teeth uwek) and I stormed to the fridge to check on my baby. I took a spoon and scoop on the 1st tub and it TASTED SO GOOD. ahahha.

Congratulations Lisa!

Jun 8, 2011

When to use is/ are

It's a simple rule as A-B-C CakodokBasi.
Kalau benda tu singular (single/satu) guna is.
Kalau benda tu plural (more than 1) guna are.

p/s: selepas perkataan "to" letak root word.

Geram la. Bukan aku nak kata aku hebat grammar, tp benda ni simple!

Jun 7, 2011

Previous Conviction

Dalam Criminal Law, bila nak jatuh hukum atas seseorang pesalah, Mahkamah akan consider kesalahan lampau pesalah. Kaedahnya, kalau kita tengok dia ni penah buat jahat sebelum ni, kita akan bagi heavier punishment la kat dia sebab ketegaq bi*** sangat. Dok buat jahat tak gheti-gheti nak taubat. Tapi dia ada la general rule and exceptions which aku tak berniat pon nak explain. (Mostly sbb dh lupa)

Regardless of that, aku nak bercerita pasal manusia, dalam kehidupan seharian, dia tak sedaq yang dia dok ulang buat the same mistake all over again. Dia tau benda tu akan bawa masalah kat dia, dia tau orang akan judge dia based on apa yang dia buat tu, dia tau yang benda tu takkan kemana. TAPI, dia selfish. Dia nak buat juga walaupon tindakan dia tu affect orang sekeliling especially to those who are close to that person.

Maka pada hari ini, aku nk pesan dekat diri sendiri, jangan buat benda yang akan menghiris dan menusuk hati kalbu orang yang kita sayang. Kita jgn ingat "Oh, dia baik ngan aku, dia mesti paham kenapa aku buat macam ni." Hang gila? Orang ada perasaan. Jangan pkiaq bab diri sendiri ja ble x? Ish. Geram.

OK, sekian nukilan emo malam ini.

Jun 6, 2011


OK, as everyone knows, I have this tiny problem with confidence. I feel like I know nothing, I can't do anything and I'm not worth being employed. I don't know what I want, well at least up to 2 hours ago. I went through the Malaysian BarJobStreet, and Linked, just to name a few and most of the firms that are offering the position of a pupil/ chambering student are mostly doing Conveyancing (which I have much of a love/hate relationship with). It is not that I despise conveyancing that much but the thought of being stuck with conveyancing for the whole 9 dreadful (still early to say) months is just so hard to consume.

So the reason why i said "I don't know what I want, well at least up to 2 hours ago" before is because I was so fortunate to come across this brilliant article which talks about Chambering Cheatsheet. It threw some light into my path and I even dropped a comment saying 
hi, your article is somehow like that one note which everyone gets hold a day before the final exam but covers every query in the mind.
Hahah, macam nota criminal Meck yang dapat a day before exam.

So here is what I've decided.
#1. I do not intend to chamber in a firm that largely/ 90% doing only conveyancing.
#2. If the firm is a not-known firm, I will avoid getting my big fat ass, working in KL unless it is a reputable    firm.
#3. I'm going to stay with my mother in USJ.
#4. I will avoid going to work with my car.
#5. I will stop comparing myself with my other friends.

Hence, that's all for today! Enjoy your period of doing nothing!